Dolive & Acres Dentistry - Longview, TX

Tooth Extractions

If you have one or more teeth causing severe pain, you may need a tooth extraction. Our dentists can examine your tooth to see if you are a candidate for an extraction. A necessary extraction and restoration can improve the function and appearance of your smile.

General Extractions

An extraction is the complete removal of a tooth. Extractions are sometimes necessary if a primary tooth prevents the normal eruption of a permanent tooth if the tooth has suffered extensive tooth decay or trauma that your dentist cannot repair, if the patient has gum disease or if the tooth is impacted (usually the wisdom teeth). Depending on the case’s complexity, we can perform an extraction surgically or non-surgically. Mild anesthesia ensures you are as comfortable as possible throughout the procedure.

Wisdom Teeth

Your third molars are more commonly called “wisdom teeth.” Usually appearing in the late teens or early twenties, third molars often lack the proper space in the jaw to erupt fully or even at all. This common condition is called impaction. When any tooth lacks the area to come through or develops in the wrong place of your jaw and becomes impacted, problems can arise. Primarily, damage to adjacent teeth and crowding occur.

In some instances, the wisdom tooth that cannot come through becomes inflamed under the gums and in the jawbone, causing a sac to develop around the tooth’s root that fills with liquid. The sac can cause a cyst or an abscess if it becomes infected. If either of these situations goes untreated, severe damage to the underlying bone and surrounding teeth and tissues can result.

To potentially stave off this result, an extraction of one, your dentist may advise several or all wisdom teeth. If that is the case, we have the equipment and training needed to perform such extractions with an absolute minimum of discomfort. 

Does A Tooth Extraction Hurt?

During your tooth extraction procedure, you may feel slight pressure. However, you should not feel pain. Before the process, your dentist will numb the area around the tooth. Numbing the site will make it hard to feel anything through the tooth’s nerves. Your dentist may also give you some sedation medication, such as nitrous oxide, to make you more comfortable during the procedure.

Restoration Options After A Tooth Extraction

If you have a general tooth extraction on a permanent tooth that is not a wisdom tooth, you may be interested in restoration options. We can restore your smile with two different treatments. The first is a dental implant. An implant replaces the entire tooth from its root to its chewing surface. Many patients like this option because it stimulates the jawbone and prevents a sunk-in jaw appearance. 

The other standard restoration option is a dental bridge. In this restoration, only the top part of the tooth is restored, not the position under the gums. Additionally, a dental bridge looks like three dental crowns attached. A crown is placed over the teeth on the adjacent sides of the missing tooth. This crown helps the replacement tooth and bridge hover over the missing tooth’s gums. This option is less invasive and more affordable than a dental implant. 

Removing an infected or impacted tooth can help prevent severe pain. We know it can be hard to lose a permanent tooth. We offer several restoration options to restore the appearance and function of your smile. Call our office for more information about tooth extractions in Longview, TX, or request an appointment online today.

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