Dolive & Acres Dentistry - Longview, TX


Why Are Dental X-Rays Important?

Dental x-rays are a vital part of keeping your mouth healthy. They provide an early warning system that can save you a lot of pain and expense down the road. They help us detect cavities, gum disease, and jawbone loss. Without x-rays, these problems would often go undetected until they become severe. That’s why it’s important to have dental x-rays approximately once per year.

X-rays are fast, effective, and provide instant results that our dentists can view on a monitor. While the amount of radiation exposure from a dental x-ray is low, some people are concerned about the safety of these procedures. However, there is no evidence to suggest that dental x-rays are harmful. In fact, the amount of radiation exposure from a single x-ray is less than the amount of radiation you would be exposed to during a cross-country flight. As long as dentists follow the proper safety precautions, dental x-rays are safe for both patients and practitioners.

So if you’re due for a dental checkup, be sure to ask us about getting an x-ray. It could be the best decision you ever make for your oral health.

Keeping Your Teeth In Great Shape Can Make The Dental Exam Fast & Easy

Dental exams can be fast and easy – or long and drawn out. It all depends on the condition of your teeth. If you take good care of your teeth, brush and floss regularly, and see us regularly for cleanings, the exam will likely be quick.

However, if you have neglected your teeth and have not been to the dentist, the exam will likely be more lengthy. The dentist will need to take time to clean your teeth and do x-rays to check for cavities.

In addition, if you have any specific concerns, such as pain or sensitivity, the dentist will need to take a closer look.

How Often Should I Get A Dental Exam?

We recommend that patients have a dental exam at least once every six months. However, some patients may need to be seen more often, depending on their oral health. If you have a history of cavities or gum disease, your dentist may recommend a dental exam every three to four months. If you have healthy teeth and gums, you may only need to be seen once every twelve months.

Get A Dental Exam In Longview, TX

You can be sure you’re getting the best possible care when you visit us. You’ll get a fast, comfortable exam at our office. Our team is gentle and takes pride in providing excellent care for our patients. We offer convenient appointment times, so it’s easy to fit an exam into your busy schedule.

Schedule a dental exam today by calling our dental office today!

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